Thursday, January 24, 2008

Nebulous Thoughts on Life

Lately, I've been finding myself reflecting on the past. Invariably, such reflections also come with the pain of disappointment and failure. Oddly enough it is exactly what caused my epiphany of self actualization and growth.

In hindsight, working through life's problems also means looking within and seeing what makes us tick. Unfortunately, facing myself and making an honest assessment of my imperfections, is about as comfortable as a rectal probing. I mean let's face it, most of us would rather go through life vainly believing that we are perfect just the way we are!! Truth be told, I'm guilty of it myself. With the passing of another year and realizing that growth only comes with admitance of imperfections I've come to the conclusion that I must acknowledge every flaw and work on changing them. Unfortunately, having been who I am all of my life, I also realize that baby steps will be the way to go about change!

How do I go about change without knowing where to start? A key question that I've been nebulously approching. I know what I need to work on, my reluctance is not acceptance but whether or not I can deal with the old me when the new me is a result of life's battles!! Despite all the drastic changes that I've undergone my personality is like a microorganism that cannot be easily defined.

1 comment:

coco said...

great metaphor (rectal probing). Not exactly a GREAT thing, but certainly a good choice for convering the thought